Women & Youth Empowerment Project
Our Project Samriddhi Objective -
Objective 1
Economically empower 1000 women from disadvantaged and poor households for a better quality of life
Objective 2
Build sustainability of change through handholding and support to women entrepreneurs to consolidate and grow their
Objective 3
1000 community women will undergo basic training in financial literacy.
Objective 4
The project target on creating 250 new women entrepreneurs by building their entrepreneurial and technical capacities, creating individual and group enterprises around different businesses
Objective 5
Undertake holistic Women development by capacity building on gender and life skill issues.

Target Community
The target beneficiaries, all 1000 women, are from lower socio economic strata of the North West Delhi of Delhi state. Those have some basic skills, aptitude and willingness to improve their quality of life will be further empowered by providing technical skills, soft skills, entrepreneurial training and necessary hand holding support.
For identification of 1000 beneficiaries and get them benefitted with programme activities door to door visits, stakeholder meetings and regular community meetings are in progress. Workshops on key topics under life skills and gender sensitization has started.
The basic objective is the holistic development of beneficiaries and get them empowered so that they can improver their quality of life. Capacity building of beneficiaries for improved knowledge, learning and practice concerning financial literacy and financial inclusion, preparing business plans is under progress.
SEBI trainers have also joined hands with us for quality training of target beneficiaries. Observing the requirement of loans by women frothier running capital, business expansion and for personal reasons apart from financial literacy training programme women are being organised under self-help groups.
It would enable them to sustain and grow their enterprises. Saving and inter- lending in groups has started. So far 673 women has joined SHGs and their cumulative saving is INR 67300.
Bank account opening of all the groups will start from the month of October. One of the group has started income generation activities under group enterprise. FASSAI license and Udhyog Aadhar of the enterprise is under process.
Snapshot of Our Impact
Project as on February 2024
- Total Outreach:3067 women
- Bond of women” named trust is registered with 2063 SHGs member
- 1244 women from Samriddhi project trained on entrepreneurship.
- 786 women are engaged in income generated activity.
- 162 SHGs formed in Mangolpuri and Sultanpuri resettlement colonies 2156 Women have joined these group.
- 796 women participated in Business Development Trainings .
- 1713 women trained on financial literacy. Training on Government. schemes, Saving, Credit, Insurance, Remittance, Uses of digital payment mode & Prevention from digital fraud.
- 22 capacity building trainings on life skills and gender mainstreaming.
- 421 SHGs members updated their Aadhar in Aadhar Camp organised by CWS.
- 486 women gone through medical check-up organised by CWS and 105 women made their PAN Card .
- Business start-up assistance provided to 476 women.
Enhanced knowledge on the livelihood with broader understanding on quality of life, women practicing regular savings, access to financial services, leadership quality development.
Expected outcome:
- 1000 stakeholders trained on financial literacy and have access to financial services.
- 1000 women united under SHGs and have their bank accounts.
- 250 women would start individual or group enterprise.
- 250 women would undergo upskilling training to enhance their technical skills.
Project Outcome:
- 590 women are taking control of their lives by starting new business or increasing their business through support from Samriddhi
- All the women in the Samriddhi SHGs have started saving of INR 100/- to 200 monthly.
- Out of 2063 SHGs members 100% have access to thrift and credit services.
- 786 have their individual bank accounts and account opening of 404 beneficiaries is under process.
Project Samriddhi Gallery