Youth Empowerment Project
Project HUNAR
Our Hunar initiative, a beacon of hope and empowerment that illuminated the lives of vibrant adolescents and youth in the Khora slums of Ghaziabad. Our program was dedicated to nurturing and enhancing the capacities of these underprivileged young minds, fostering economic and social empowerment in a supportive environment.

HUNAR Initiative
Program Overview: Our primary mission was to empower 2500 adolescents and youth, with a special emphasis on a minimum of 60% female participation. We focused on creating an enabling environment through various approaches, including self-engagement (personal and organizational leadership), life skills development (confidence-building, communication, critical thinking, teamwork, problem-solving), functional resourcing (employable skill-building, career counselling, knowledge generation), and economic empowerment (personal financial management)
Key Project Activities:
The program engaged youth in a variety of services and capacity-building activities, such as life skills workshops, education support, career counselling, and more. The major activities, led by the dedicated Hunar team, included youth mobilization, training sessions, financial literacy workshops, assessment, and placement of skilled youths in the program.
Skill Development and Certification:
Through a combination of theoretical and practical sessions, the Hunar team successfully skilled 2524 trainees in both Retail and Remedial courses. Specifically, 751 youths graduated from the Remedial course, while 1773 excelled in the Trainee Associate (Retail) program. Our commitment to quality was underscored by the certification of 1773 skilled youths by India Skills, a reputable third-party assessment agency.
Economic Empowerment and Placements:
The program achieved a significant milestone by placing 151 trainees in various companies, contributing to their economic empowerment. Additionally, all 2524 participants actively participated in Financial Literacy workshops, equipping them with essential knowledge for personal financial management.
This refers to all processes and trainings undertaken to provide youth access to vocational trainings for entrepreneurships, interchangeably referred as self-employment.
This critical guiding principle and strategy across all works undertaken in Hunar. This enables stakeholders to understand gender relations at personal, community and work spaces.
Hunar approach is guided by the principles of decent employment. This focuses on enabling environment, employee rights, equal wages and freedom of expression for youth.

Project Activities
Area Profile
Khora is a densely populated slum of Noida Ghaziabad. It has the limited resources like Drinking Water, Sanitation, Health and Education. More than 40% of population are migrated and mostly dependent on daily wage activities to meet their day to day needs. It is considered as supply house of daily wages labour for societies and industries of Noida.
Snapshot of Our Impact
Project as on February 2024
- Total outreach: 2490 youth (1494 Females and 996 Male)
- 589 youths provided with JOVT and VTEP training
- 1016 youths provided with Financial Literacy.
- 589 Youth certified by India Skill (Assessment agency recognized by DGE&T Govt. of India)
- 459 Youth Trained in retail (Trainee Associate)
- 130 Youths trained in GDA (Hospitality)
- 61% enrolled under the project are girls
- 285 youth already placed with jobs
- 751 youth provided with remedial classes (6th-12th class)
- The course is aimed at providing employment and domain related skills like Retail Associate and Multipurpose executive.
- 100% Job placement assistance to all trained youths
Project Impact:
- 285 youth have become bread earners in their family
- 58% families of attending youth experienced an increase in their family monthly income
- The average increment in monthly income for families of placed beneficiaries is INR 9200
- 786 youth now have access to a personal bank account
Overall Goals:
To support disadvantaged youth to make them employable by equipping them with essential market oriented vocational and life skills, this will not help them to access decent employment.